Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Family Walk

My eldest son pushes the stroller while my hubby strolls with the family pooch, Marmalade. I bring up the rear snapping pictures. We soak in spring scenes. Trees weeping flowers. A whisper of Eden. 

We often move as a unit. My family that is. When we are tempted to go our separate ways for sake of efficiency (divide and conquer) or competing interests, I cringe and block the path. "Let's do it as a family," my mantra manages to whine. I'm not always successful or disciplined enough depending upon the stopwatch in my head or selfishness in my heart, but I keep trying. 

The family walk almost always happens though. People slow their cars and stare at us in wonder. Some smile. Others turn their heads. Many passersby comment, "Wow, the whole family's out." We are a rarity on the suburban sidewalk. Sadness creeps in and I pick up my pace to come side by side with my mate. My partner walking this life with me. We are quick to name this blessing time and time again - it is called the family walk. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenna, I'm Wendy your sister's penpal from Scotland. A number of years ago we were in Florida and wanted to go to MacDonalds which literally was across the road from our hotel. We weren't exactly sure how we could get there as although across the road it wasn't immediately obvious how we would get there. On questioning the ground staff they seemed astonished that we were actually wanting to walk and kept asking us why we weren't driving there. It was very funny! (Especially when we told them we didn't drive in the States as you drive on the "wrong" side of the road! He He)
