Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sweet & Salty

I found the land of lollipops. Sugar swirled tight. Rainbows rolled round. We drove past this lovely shop one Saturday morning and I all but tucked and rolled out of the car.

Willy Wonka, look out. Candy of every shape and size wrapped in iridescent ribbon of hummingbird beauty. We painstakingly made our selections (my husband even found chocolate-covered bacon!) and loaded back into the car. Despite just having breakfast, I unwrapped our treats in my lap. No time like the present. I settled on caramels dressed in dark chocolate, trimmed in gray sea salt sprinkles. It wasn't chocolate. It was an experience. The gritty salt hit my tongue in contrast with the creamy sweet. Without the salt, there was no taste bud symphony.

It was not long after our sweet excursion that this very spice popped up at the sermon pulpit. Pastor John remarked at the uses of salt. People were paid in salt. The word "salary" was even derived from the word and world of salt. A precious commodity, it was also used to preserve food. Yet, there was one more quality he referenced. Salt was used to mix into the earth to produce better fruit. Yield a better crop. Grow big FAT avocados (at least in my mind). He challenged the congregation to mix into the world and influence others to bring out the fullest flavor. The fullest. After all, a sprinkle of salt makes all the difference.

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men." - Matthew 5:13

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